Credit is simply a too, nothing more
Once you realize the banks, creditors, collection agencies don’t care about the story behind your credit or how you got to where you are, the sooner you’ll be able to take effective steps in repairing your credit.
Imax Credit is different because we don’t charge you for nothing. We don’t even take on your case if the chances of success are too low. Instead we analyze your credit report and design a custom action plan of attack on the banks and creditors we have success with.
This why huge credit repair agencies like Lexington Law and are not successful at repairing credit. They’re only successful in general cases and charging consumers on a monthly basis for no results.
Our business model allows us to focus on your unique credit situation giving you the best chances of fixing your credit. Whether you have Late payments, Collections, Charge-offs, and/or Repossessions.
The R.P.L Removal Method™
A unique 3-step process that escalates each step we take to fix your credit.
We audit the collection company’s compliance records to uncover violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act & file regulatory complaints. If the collection company doesn’t delete then we move to the next step.
Here we serve the collection company with a notice of impending lawsuits accompanied by a copy of the lawsuit draft violations. If this does not work we move to step 3.
Our associate attorney help file suits or arbitrations based on violations we discovered. This may cost the collection company several thousands , under this pressure collection companies delete the account.