About Us

A full-service credit repair agency specializing in helping people fix their credit to get approved for loans.

people talking about credit repair

About Imax Credit Repair

Imax Credit Repair was established in 2004, raising the bar and setting the standard for ethical consumer credit repair. Our fast and effective credit repair services have helped clients get approved for home, car and business loans.

We’re located in Los Angeles but offer services nationwide.

A Crisis That Launched Credit Repair Success

Back in 2003, our CEO Ali managed and operated his uncle’s mortgage business when he realized how many clients they were turning away because of credit issues. Frustrated about this roadblock, Ali set out on his credit repair journey by fixing there client’s credit in order to get them approved for a home loan.

But then, during the 2008 financial crisis he lost everything. He lost his first home, luxury cars and his ability to make further purchases with his personal credit. He managed to keep his existing credit repair clients but felt lots of shame and unworthiness due to his own credit situation.

It was this experienced where Ali understood deeply what people who have credit issues were going through.

credit score report

A Message From Our CEO

Ali signature white
Ali Zane About Us

Our Leadership

Ali Zane- CEO

Credit Repair Expert | Author | Speaker | Podcast Host | Blogger

As a leading authority in consumer finance, banking, identity theft, financial planning, and credit repair, Ali bring over two decades of expertise to the industry. He’s held executive roles in mortgage, real estate, and automotive finance. He graduated from UC Berkeley.

In 2004, he founded Imax Credit Repair to address the need for ethical and effective credit repair services. Since then, the firm has helped over 36,000 individuals improve their credit, allowing them to qualify for mortgage and business loans. He’s also a LDA in California Superior Court and specializes in small claims and arbitrations.

He’s also host of the Imax Credit Repair  “Credit Conversations Podcast.” Over 400,000 readers have read his  articles on the Imax Credit blog.  Journalists turn to him for expert advise, as he’s been regularly featured in  MSN Money and  Yahoo Finance.

He’s also created a FICO certification program to train and certify lending professionals and mortgage loan officer, ensuring they have the expertise to help their clients succeed in a competitive market. He  also formed the first credit repair trade association, to ensure ethical credit repair standards for the industry. 

He also volunteers to facilitate trauma healing work and is an advocate for  emotional and spiritual well being.

William Terrazas – Business Development Advisor

Strategic Coach & Advisor

William is helping guide the Imax Credit Repair passionate team to reach its strategic vision, scale, and establish itself as a leader in its industry through the integration of advanced technology, solid operations, digital marketing, and strong customer service.